Protecting America’s Arctic: Battling Backlash Against Conservation Efforts 

In the wake of Earth Day, the Biden administration took a significant step forward for environmental conservation by announcing regulations safeguarding 13 million acres in the Western Arctic. This move not only signified a commitment to preserving vital ecosystems – especially around the Arctic’s five Special Areas – but also set the stage for future conservation efforts. However, the path to progress is not always straightforward, especially when political agendas clash with environmental stewardship. 

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New Corporate Partner Joins the Ranks

Alaska Wilderness League is fortunate to work with an incredible slate of corporate partners and supporters to help advance strong protections for Alaska public lands and waters. Today, the League is excited to welcome a new brand among these ranks: TeamPlanting.   TeamPlanting is the newest partner to join a growing group of businesses and organizations…

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Championing the Western Arctic: A Landmark Conservation Milestone for 2024

In the spring of 2024, President Biden took a monumental step in conservation, enacting new protections for over 13 million acres in the Western Arctic — the nation’s largest single unit of public land. This landmark regulation represents a significant victory for Alaska Wilderness League, culminating from thousands of hours of dedicated effort by our staff and supporters. 

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Home from the Range

An excerpt from Michael Engelhard’s new book, Arctic Traverse, highlighting the region of Alaska that would be impacted by the proposed Ambler Road.

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What You Need to Know About H.R. 6285 – An Arctic Extraction Bill 

Information about Rep. Stauber’s (R-MN) “Alaska’s Right to Produce Act of 2023” (HR 6285). If passed into law, this extreme legislation would not only reverse the recent safeguards the Biden administration put in place to protect 13 million acres of the Western Arctic, but it would also undo the cancelation of oil and gas leases in the Arctic Refuge and roll back 125 million acres of the Arctic Ocean from indiscriminate oil drilling.

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2022 Midterm Election Results and Implications for Wild Alaska

The 2022 Midterms elections were on November 8th, and While votes are still being counted in select races, it presently appears that Republicans will take control the House of Representatives and the Senate will remain in Democratic hands. There was no so-called “red wave” of Republican mid-term victories, and with 55 new members of Congress we have an exciting opportunity to shape Congress’ views on protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, Tongass National Forest, and other habitats key to wildlife and a healthy climate. 

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