Alaska Wilderness League Champions New Special Areas in the Western Arctic

In April 2024, the Biden administration made a bold move for conservation, protecting over 13 million acres of Special Areas in America’s Arctic. But they didn’t stop there; the administration also rolled out a new process to ramp up protections in the Western Arctic with even more Special Areas.
This initiative kicked off with a comprehensive public comment process, collecting vital insights on key subsistence resources, cultural sites, and ecological hotspots across the Western Arctic. This invaluable feedback will guide targeted conservation efforts, ensuring that the region’s environmental and cultural resources are preserved.
At the League, we jumped into action, leading a powerful campaign to amplify community voices and stress the urgent need for new Special Areas in the Western Arctic. As the comment period wrapped up on September 16th, we were at the forefront, driving grassroots support, connecting with local advocates, and making sure the administration heard loud and clear just how crucial these protections and all future processes are for America’s Arctic.
As we wrap up this phase of advocacy, take a peek at the process and dedication supporters like you committed to the moment, ensuring that both community and environmental priorities were robustly represented in the decision-making process.
- We uplifted Indigenous organizations from Alaska in their pursuit of greater protections.
- In collaboration with our coalition partners, the League contributed to a comprehensive proposal submitted to the administration, which was underpinned by rigorous, science-based evidence. This proposal made a compelling case for the creation of new and expanded Special Areas, emphasizing the critical need for enhanced environmental protections informed by the latest scientific research and data.
- The League spearheaded a highly successful Congressional sign-on letter campaign, mobilizing lawmakers to publicly advocate for the protection of the Western Arctic. This initiative garnered the support of 55 Members of Congress, ranging from senior senators to freshman representatives. By signing the letter, these legislators demonstrated their commitment to safeguarding America’s Arctic, underscoring the widespread and bipartisan support for robust conservation measures in this crucial region.
- We actively mobilized our membership to participate in a petition campaign aimed at protecting essential migration pathways and preserving critical subsistence values. The feedback and comments gathered from our members were meticulously compiled and submitted to the Bureau of Land Management. This submission was part of a broader coalition effort that amassed over 275,000 public comments, facilitated by the League, demonstrating substantial public support for these vital conservation measures.
- The League significantly expanded our community engagement efforts by orchestrating three distinct sign-on letters, each targeting key areas of support for Arctic protections. These coordinated actions collectively underscored the universal significance of Arctic conservation, reinforcing to the administration that protecting America’s Arctic is a matter of profound importance to diverse sectors, including businesses, outdoor enthusiasts, and environmental advocates alike.
- The first letter rallied outdoor recreation brands, with Patagonia leading the charge, to voice their commitment to preserving the Arctic.
- The second letter garnered endorsements from the hunting and angling community.
- The third letter demonstrated widespread backing from major environmental organizations.
The commitment to protecting the Western Arctic is both profound and enduring, and the League stands as a pivotal advocate for this crucial cause in Washington, D.C.
Our efforts have successfully amplified the voices of Indigenous communities, scientists, recreational users, and conservationists, ensuring their vital perspectives reach key policymakers. This robust engagement demonstrates to the Biden administration our unwavering resolve to seize this critical opportunity for Arctic conservation. We are dedicated to ensuring that our legacy is one of meaningful preservation, rather than degradation. Together, we have made significant strides toward securing the Arctic for future generations.
We urge the Biden administration to take decisive action by formally establishing the proposed new and expanded Special Areas. With broad and enthusiastic support from lawmakers, organizations, and communities across the nation, the administration is well-positioned to advance this essential initiative.