Latest IPCC Report: How Worried Should We Be? 

On Monday, March 21, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the Synthesis Report to the Sixth Assessment Report. In short, this IPCC report brings together more than 1,000 scientists from around the world and six years of research to determine the likelihood of atmospheric warming as well as the impacts from…

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2023 Strategy for Winning Arctic Refuge Protections

At the end of January 2023, over 50 members of the Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign gathered in Washington, D.C. for a three-day strategy meeting in which we discussed how to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from drilling in the current political landscape. The Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign was created in 2018 following the passage…

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Alaska Wilderness League in Lawsuit Challenging ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 16, 2023 Contact: Aileo Weinmann | Alaska Wilderness League in Lawsuit Challenging ConocoPhillips’ Willow ProjectCourt filing today asks for immediate action before blasting begins this spring Washington, D.C. – On Tuesday, Alaska Wilderness League was among six groups that filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court challenging the Biden administration’s…

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Alaska Wilderness League Welcomes Action to Protect Izembek National Wildlife Refuge

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 13, 2023 Contact: Aileo Weinmann |  Alaska Wilderness League Welcomes Action to Protect Izembek National Wildlife Refuge“Alaska’s public lands and waters can provide for current and future generations only if they are protected from irreversible harm” Washington, D.C. – Alaska Wilderness League welcomes Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s announcement today withdrawing…

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Press Release: White House Approves Massive Willow Project to Drill America’s Arctic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 13, 2023 Contact: Aileo Weinmann |  White House Approves Massive Willow Project to Drill America’s Arctic“We will not back down until the Arctic is protected, once and for all.” Washington, D.C. – Alaska Wilderness League is expressing deep disappointment with President Biden’s decision to greenlight the massive Willow oil and…

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What #StopWillow Accomplished in Just 30 Days 

In just the past week, supporters all over the country have helped the #StopWillow campaign “go viral.” As of March 8th, across social media platforms, hashtags related to #StopWillow have more than 650 million views, helping to drive nearly 5 MILLION petition signatures across campaign partners. In fact, the #willowproject is the second most trending…

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Press Release: Congressional Leaders Introduce Arctic Refuge Protection Bill 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   February 2, 2023   Contact: Aileo Weinmann | 202-538-5038 |    Congressional Leaders Introduce Arctic Refuge Protection Bill “We applaud our congressional champions for upholding the tradition of strong support for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge”  Washington, D.C. – Leaders in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House introduced the Arctic Refuge Protection Act to designate…

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Press Release: President Biden Must Reverse Course on the Massive Proposal to Drill America’s Western Arctic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  February 1, 2023  Contact: Aileo Weinmann | 202-538-5038 | President Biden Must Reverse Course on the Massive Proposal to Drill America’s Western Arctic “The President can show true climate leadership by stopping Willow, before it’s too late.”  Washington, D.C. –  Today, the U.S. Department of the Interior released a final supplemental environmental impact…

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