Your Love Has Kept Alaska Wild

Who do we love? Alaska Wilderness League advocates like you, that’s who! In appreciation for everyone who has raised their voice to make sure Alaska’s wild landscapes endure to support vibrant communities and abundant wildlife for generations to come, we hope you enjoy this little video with footage from our partner, world-renown photographer Florian Schulz.
And, just because you’re worth it, we’ve added in a little extra Valentine value. Enjoy learning about love across Alaska’s animal kingdom with a few amorous additions below:
What floats everyone’s boat? An otter mother and pup preening in the sea!
Nothing’s cuter than a mother otter loving up her little pup as she keeps it safe and warm from the harsh elements. Witness an adorable pair floating in the snowy, salty seas of wild Alaska. Watch the video.
Shake those tail-feathers if you fancy the females!
Fussy female sharp-tailed grouse look for the fanciest feather-shake from their male suitors in Alaska’s subarctic regions. They like sunny, grassy knobs for breeding grounds…and a fella with the moves. Watch the video.
Check out these moose-in-the-mood murmurings!
Alaska’s moose are a-hootin’ and a-hollerin’ to find a mate, and males wait with bated breath for the females to demonstrate their affection. Watch photographers capture this annual ritual in the Chugach National Forest. (But remember: No moosin’ around! ALWAYS keep your distance from these impressive creatures. More people in Alaska are injured by moose than by bears each year!) Watch the video.
Arctic ground squirrels seize the moment.
When you only have 12 hours every year to bring forth a new generation, you’ve got to make the most of your moment. Arctic ground squirrels sneak in some serious snuggles on their special day. Watch the video.