Posts Tagged ‘Arctic Refuge’
The League Honors President Jimmy Carter With The Mardy Murie Lifetime Achievement Award
In early November, the League hosted a spectacular event at the Burke Museum Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle to honor President Jimmy Carter, announce this year’s recipient of our Adam Kolton Storytelling Grant Award, and celebrate our dedicated board who continues to support the League all year long in our tireless fight to protect America’s Arctic.
Read MoreProtections for America’s Arctic: What You Need to Know
Did you catch the good news? Last week, the Biden administration announced a suite of actions to protect diverse landscapes across America’s Arctic, recognizing the importance of Alaska’s public lands and waters for communities, biodiversity and our global climate. Oil and gas development across the Arctic is a major threat, and these announcements get us…
Read MoreWhat the Heck is AIDEA
The inside scoop on a floundering, publicly-funded Alaska corporation The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority — known as AIDEA — was created in 1967 and is a public corporation of the State of Alaska with a supposed mission to, “provide financing for Alaska’s business community, to expand the economy of the state, and to…
Read More100+ Organizations and Businesses Call on President Biden and Secretary Haaland to Realize Opportunities for Conservation and Our Climate in America’s Arctic
Today, more than 100 organizations and businesses sent a letter to President Biden and Secretary Haaland outlining the opportunities the administration has to take bold action in America’s Arctic.
Read MoreCourt Upholds Suspending Oil & Gas Leases in Arctic Refuge, Dismisses Claims from AIDEA
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 8, 2023 Contact: Aileo Weinmann | Court Upholds Suspending Oil & Gas Leases in Arctic Refuge, Dismisses Claims from AIDEA “We celebrate the court’s decision because it confirms the right of President Biden and the Department of the Interior to correct the Trump administration’s mistakes, restoring thoughtful decision-making that honors the…
Read MoreHidden Wonders of the Western Arctic with Peter Mather
After spending over a decade photographing hidden wonders partly in a region inadequately named the “National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska,” Peter pairs first-hand stories with world-class images that show why the Arctic is such a unique and special place.
Read MoreChubb Insurance Bans Underwriting Arctic Refuge Drilling
Chubb insurance company officially signed a new policy prohibiting the underwriting of oil and gas extraction projects in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (as well as other government-protected conservation areas).
Read MoreNew Film Highlights the Beauty of the Arctic, and the Need to Protect it
As opportunities for in-person gatherings have increased in recent years, Alaska Wilderness League has proudly supported the distribution of a captivating new documentary, “The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness.”
Read More2023 Strategy for Winning Arctic Refuge Protections
At the end of January 2023, over 50 members of the Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign gathered in Washington, D.C. for a three-day strategy meeting in which we discussed how to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from drilling in the current political landscape. The Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign was created in 2018 following the passage…
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