Drill, Deny, Destroy: Trump’s First Day Actions on Alaska’s Resource Future

On his very first day in office, Trump made it abundantly clear that his administration intends to prioritize fossil fuel expansion, climate denial, and political theater over meaningful governance. His inaugural address, early executive actions, and policy signals left no doubt: the next four years will bring an attempted, all-out assault on Alaska, environmental protections,…

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Alaska Wilderness League Condemns President Trump’s Sweeping Actions Targeting Alaska’s Public Lands

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 1/21/2025 Contact: Sophia Grande | sophia@alaskawild.org | 240-447-7715 Alaska Wilderness League Condemns President Trump’s Sweeping Actions Targeting Alaska’s Public Lands Washington, D.C. – Last night, hours after being sworn into office, President Donald Trump signed an Alaska-focused Executive Order that intends to expand fossil fuel extraction and mining on tens of…

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