Championing the Western Arctic: A Landmark Conservation Milestone for 2024

In the spring of 2024, President Biden took a monumental step in conservation, enacting new protections for over 13 million acres in the Western Arctic — the nation’s largest single unit of public land. This landmark regulation represents a significant victory for Alaska Wilderness League, culminating from thousands of hours of dedicated effort by our staff and supporters. 

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What to Know About the Ambler Road Project

In the heart of northern Alaska, the threat of a devastating development project has hung over wild landscapes for decades. The proposed Ambler Road would be a new, 211-mile industrial corridor on the south side of the Brooks Range, extending west from the Dalton Highway to the south bank of the Ambler River. 

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Safeguarding Our Western Arctic: A Quick Journey Through Time

America’s Western Arctic – and in particular the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (Reserve) – is a landscape that catapulted to the forefront of public attention as the Willow project gained notoriety. Yet, the Reserve is more than just Willow; it’s a region of Alaska that Alaska Wilderness League has worked to protect for decades, and we’ve recently seen positive steps toward stronger protections.

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What You Need to Know About H.R. 6285 – An Arctic Extraction Bill 

Information about Rep. Stauber’s (R-MN) “Alaska’s Right to Produce Act of 2023” (HR 6285). If passed into law, this extreme legislation would not only reverse the recent safeguards the Biden administration put in place to protect 13 million acres of the Western Arctic, but it would also undo the cancelation of oil and gas leases in the Arctic Refuge and roll back 125 million acres of the Arctic Ocean from indiscriminate oil drilling.

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Little-Known “D1” Lands Protecting 28 Million Acres in Alaska Under Threat

In 1971, President Richard Nixon (surprisingly enough) passed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, which at the time was the largest land claims settlement in U.S. history. One of the most impressive features of the bill was section 17(d)(1) which gave the Interior Secretary the authority to set portions of that land aside to be protected for subsistence ways of life, cultural relationships with the land, and protection for wildlife.

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The League Honors President Jimmy Carter With The Mardy Murie Lifetime Achievement Award

In early November, the League hosted a spectacular event at the Burke Museum Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle to honor President Jimmy Carter, announce this year’s recipient of our Adam Kolton Storytelling Grant Award, and celebrate our dedicated board who continues to support the League all year long in our tireless fight to protect America’s Arctic.

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Protections for America’s Arctic: What You Need to Know

Did you catch the good news? Last week, the Biden administration announced a suite of actions to protect diverse landscapes across America’s Arctic, recognizing the importance of Alaska’s public lands and waters for communities, biodiversity and our global climate.  Oil and gas development across the Arctic is a major threat, and these announcements get us…

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What the Heck is AIDEA

The inside scoop on a floundering, publicly-funded Alaska corporation The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority — known as AIDEA — was created in 1967 and is a public corporation of the State of Alaska with a supposed mission to, “provide financing for Alaska’s business community, to expand the economy of the state, and to…

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