Alaska Wilderness League Urges Biden Administration to Establish Protections for New Special Areas in America’s Arctic

Date: September 16, 2024
Contact: Anja Semanco | | 724-967-2777
Alaska Wilderness League Urges Biden Administration to Establish Protections for New Special Areas in America’s Arctic
The now-concluded Request for Information highlights overwhelming support for safeguarding Special Areas in the Western Arctic
Washington, D.C. — Following the completion of the Department of the Interior’s Request for Information (RFI) process on potential new and expanded Special Areas in the Western Arctic, Alaska Wilderness League Executive Director Kristen Miller released the following statement:
“Building on historic advancements made by his administration earlier this year, President Biden is now poised to take action to establish new Special Areas that will protect vital wildlife habitats and support critical subsistence resources, all while advancing our climate and conservation goals. The need is urgent, and we call on the administration to take the next step in formally establishing these new and expanded Special Areas. With enthusiastic backing from lawmakers, organizations, and communities nationwide, this administration is on strong backing to move forward in preserving the Arctic’s unique and critical ecosystems for generations.”