Dear Friends of Wild Alaska,

We’re thrilled to share with you our 2018 annual report. I believe this past year will be remembered as a critical turning point: a moment when we collectively signaled our intent to fight for every acre and inch of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain.

Backed by our amazing supporters, we have resolved to stand up for this “last great wilderness” in Congress, in the courts and in corporate boardrooms. To that end, we have:

  • Helped organize the collection and submission of millions of public comments to the Trump administration in opposition to Arctic drilling;
  • Mobilized the public to vastly outnumber drilling proponents at public hearings in Alaska and Washington, D.C.;
  • Engaged more than 180 lawmakers in the effort to reverse Arctic Refuge drilling language contained in the 2017 tax act;
  • Catalyzed an effort that enlisted more than $2.5 trillion worth of investors to urge all the major oil corporations to stay out of this iconic wilderness;
  • Worked to mobilize critical polar bear and other scientific voices that helped delay seismic trucks from bringing 90,000 pounds of pressure on this fragile landscape; and
  • Elevated the impact Arctic Refuge development will have on Arctic communities, wildlife and our climate on CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC News and more.

Beyond the Arctic Refuge, your commitment to the League has provided the necessary resources to stand tall against efforts to remove roadless protections for America’s largest national forest — the 17 million-acre Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska. And it has allowed us to join forces with advocates for Alaska’s wild places to speak out against the Pebble Mine project threatening Alaska’s pristine Bristol Bay and speak up for wilderness in the Chugach National Forest. Your generous contributions enabled us to go to court to fight the administration’s illegal reversal of Arctic Ocean protections, to push back against a massive expansion in the Western Arctic, and to oppose a proposed road through the heart of the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge wilderness.

2018 marked the 25th anniversary of Alaska Wilderness League and my first full year as this organization’s executive director. Your support through the years has enabled us to grow from a two-person operation in the basement of a Capitol Hill rowhouse to a team of nearly 20 highly skilled organizers, advocates, communicators and more working full time for Alaska’s national treasures, based in offices in both Washington, D.C., and Anchorage, Alaska. Today we have more than 100,000 online members and supporters from all 50 states.

Thank you for being part of the Alaska Wilderness League family, for caring about Alaska’s awe-inspiring wildlife, its majestic landscapes and the indigenous people who depend on them. Thank you for giving us the privilege of working for your conservation interests. Moreover, thank you for making what we do possible.

Please continue reading for a snapshot of how we put your generous support to work in 2018, and where we are today.

Adam Kolton
Executive Director


2018 began with the creation of the Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign. With the Arctic Refuge coastal plain now open to oil and gas development courtesy of the 2017 tax bill, we are fighting back in the halls of Congress and the corporate boardrooms against the Trump administration’s plans to sell one of America’s last wild places to the oil and gas industry.  The Trump administration began the environmental review process for leasing the Arctic Refuge in the spring, and Americans from across the country opposed this rushed and flawed process. Read below for more.

Photo Credit: Patrick J. Endres/


You brought more than 180 lawmakers into the fight to repeal Arctic drilling from the 2017 tax bill. And, letters opposed to Arctic drilling were delivered from:

People like you.
Outdoor recreation companies
Outdoor experts, guides & athletes

In addition, you helped:

  • Hundreds provide testimony in opposition to drilling at public meetings held by administration officials in Alaska and Washington, D.C.;
  • Stall the company attempting to conduct seismic surveys in the coastal plain in the winter of 2018;
  • Secure $2.52 trillion in investment assets opposed to drilling in the Arctic Refuge and refuse to finance any company that pursued development;
  • Secure 85 cosponsors on the Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act, legislation that would restore protections to the Arctic Refuge by repealing the provision included in the 2017 tax bill; and
  • Partner and support our Gwich’in allies by flying their tribal leadership and others to Washington, D.C. to speak directly with congressional offices on protecting the Arctic Refuge

UPDATES THROUGH JULY 2019: On the heels of securing more than $2.5 trillion in investment assets opposed to Arctic Refuge drilling, banks including Barclays, HSBC, BNO Paribas, the Royal Bank of Scotland, National Australia Bank and Societe Generale have announced they will not fund drilling for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Also, in February, SAExploration, withdrew its proposed plans for seismic exploration on the Arctic Refuge’s coastal plain after considerable scientific pushback and public outcry. And through hard work with our champions on Capitol Hill, Representatives Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced the Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act with 100 initial cosponsors, which is headed for a House floor vote this summer. In addition, the House passed its Interior Department spending bill that includes language requiring Arctic Refuge oil and gas lease sales meet revenue projections promised by the 2017 tax act before proceeding. And the League released a new report authored by Jeremy Symons, a former official at the Environmental Protection Agency, highlighting the climate and energy madness of pursuing drilling in the Arctic Refuge.


Alaska Wilderness League has continued to fight legislative attempts to exempt Alaska’s national forests from the federal Roadless Rule, and various dangerous riders have been successfully removed from final legislation this session of Congress. Though the Roadless Rule prohibits damaging road construction and prevents old-growth logging in sensitive areas the Forest Service has launched a new process to exempt the Tongass from the rule administratively through a rulemaking process initiated at the request of the State of Alaska.

Photo Credit: Richard Spener/Richardspenerphotography


  • Block legislative attempts to substantially weaken protections for America’s largest national forest;
  • Collect thousands of public comments in opposition to an Alaska-specific roadless rule along with opposition letters from 62 members of Congress;
  • Work with champions in the House and Senate to introduce the Roadless Area Conservation Act, which would codify the federal Roadless Rule into law, providing lasting protections for inventoried roadless areas within the National Forest System; and
  • File suit against a proposed timber sale on Kuiu Island in the Tongass challenging the Forest Service’s environmental analysis of a sale that would wipe out 523 acres of old-growth forest.

2019 UPDATE: Early in 2019, the Forest Service released a summary of public comments submitted during the scoping process for an Alaska state-specific roadless rule, and the report found what we were already well aware of through public outreach and activation — that a majority of comments received opposed exempting Alaska national forests from 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule protections. Also, extensive lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill led to Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) introducing companion legislation — the Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2019 — to codify the Roadless Rule, a Clinton-era policy that protects nearly 60-million-acres of national forest land from road building. And like the Arctic Refuge, we used the Interior spending bill to go on the offensive for the Tongass, working with Representatives Blumenauer (D-OR) and Gallego (D-AZ) on an amendment aimed at ending taxpayer subsidies for roadbuilding activity in the Tongass National Forest. The amendment was accepted and picked up 13 Republicans in the process, including a number who rarely vote with us on environmental issues but are largely motivated by cutting government waste and reducing government handouts of any kind.


In 2017, President Trump issued an executive order that sought to overturn the 2015 and 2016 withdrawals by President Obama of 125 million acres in the Arctic Ocean as well as portions of the Atlantic Ocean from oil drilling. Following that order, Alaska Wilderness League joined a lawsuit that successfully challenged Trump’s illegal executive order in federal district court in Alaska. The Trump administration has since appealed that decision.

The administration in 2018 also moved forward with plans for a new five-year oil and gas leasing program for America’s Outer Continental Shelf. This new plan would replace the Obama administration's 2017-2022 program finalized in late 2016, which did not include any lease sales in the Arctic Ocean. The new draft plan currently includes 47 total lease sales, including 19 in Alaska waters, and we have worked to oppose this plan at each step. Pending appeal of the Alaska district court decision, the new Trump five-year plan is currently on hold.


  • Build congressional support for Arctic Ocean protections in the House and Senate with nearly 80 cosponsors from both chambers; and
  • Submit more than 11,000 of your comments opposing the Trump five-year offshore leasing plan and more than 10,000 comments opposing a proposed 2019 Beaufort Sea lease sale.

2019 UPDATE: The first round in the offshore legal battle was won in 2019 as District Court Judge Sharon Gleason ruled in our favor and handed down a decision immediately restoring protections from drilling to 98% of the Arctic Ocean. In the process, the Interior Department’s new five-year plan for offshore oil and gas leasing (with its six proposed Arctic Ocean lease sales) has been sidelined indefinitely. In addition, we worked closely with one of our champs on Capitol Hill, Representative Jared Huffman (CA-02), to secure the introduction of the Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act, H.R. 309, which would prohibit oil and gas leasing in the Arctic Planning Area of the Outer Continental Shelf. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) introduced the Senate version, S. 1523, in May.


ConocoPhillips continues to build out a web of development in the Western Arctic and has been open about its desire to develop within the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area. The Trump administration has also begun to redo the Reserve’s area-wide management plan, likely seeking to open further areas to oil and gas development, including currently protected Special Areas. The League continues to weigh in on new development projects and the new management plan environmental review process, while building support in Congress for ensuring Special Areas remain protected.

Photo Credit: Dave Shreffler

2019 UPDATE: The League joined four other conservation organizations as well as the Native Village of Nuiqsut in suing the Bureau of Land Management over its faulty environmental review of proposed winter drilling in the Reserve. We have worked closely with our partners to submit public comments to BLM on a new management plan, which could put Reserve Special Areas — in particular Teshekpuk Lake — at increased risk for development. Even as we continue to lobby for legislation in Congress to protect the Special Areas, we have worked closely with our Hill champions on a letter to BLM highlighting concerns with the planning process and expansion of drilling in the Western Arctic — the letter was spearheaded by House Natural Resources Chair Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Representatives Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Alan Lowenthal (D-CA).



The Izembek National Wildlife Refuge along the Bering Sea side of the Alaska Peninsula is an important migration stopover for many birds migrating to and from Arctic breeding grounds. The area regularly supports more than 90% of Pacific black brant that use the Pacific Flyway and more than half the world population of Emperor geese. Within its heart is Izembek Lagoon, a 30-mile long and five-mile wide coastal ecosystem that contains one of the world's largest eelgrass beds. More than 200 species of wildlife and nine species of fish can be found on the refuge — bears, caribou and red foxes included. In 2018, the Trump administration and then-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke signed a land-swap agreement that would allow road construction right through the heart of the Izembek Refuge and its designated Wilderness. With your support, the League entered into litigation alongside our conservation partners to challenge this agreement.

2019 UPDATE: Alaska District Court Judge Sharon Gleason issued an opinion earlier this year in the court case challenging the land swap, ruling the exchange agreement invalid due to Secretary Zinke’s arbitrary overturning of the Obama administration decision not to build the road and failing to provide a reasoned explanation for doing so, especially in light of the agency’s previous exhaustive process and findings that alternatives to a road exist.


Bristol Bay is an American treasure and an economic powerhouse, home to the world’s largest wild salmon fishery that generates $1.5 billion annually and supports 14,000 jobs — sometimes referred to as “America’s fish basket.” The massive proposed Pebble Mine threatens the entire region — its people, its salmon and the multimillion-dollar economy those salmon support. Despite massive opposition from fishermen, Alaska Native tribes and Alaskans in general, the Trump administration has been advancing a dangerously flawed Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed mine. In response, the League continues to support efforts to protect Bristol Bay by helping to generate public opposition to Pebble Mine, collect public comments opposing the project and by supporting efforts on Capitol Hill to limit funding for the Pebble Mine permitting process.

2019 UPDATE: The Energy and Water Development spending bill includes federal funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and we supported an amendment to that bill sponsored by Representative Jared Huffman (D-CA) that prohibits funding for the Pebble Mine permitting process. We are also continuing to drive public comments to the Army Corps in support of the “No Action Alternative” that would prevent the Pebble Mine from being built. And we are working closely with documentary filmmaker Mark Titus to support and promote his films The Breach and The Wild and the urgency to protect Bristol Bay.


With the damaging tax bill vote coming in the closing days of 2017, we started 2018 with a new challenge for our members and activists. We were no longer looking to hold the line but needed to galvanize and amplify our efforts on behalf of the Arctic Refuge and Arctic Ocean. Our priority was to elevate our top issues, empower our members to take meaningful actions and amplify constituent and frontline voices in offices of our congressional targets. For more detail read below:


Tens of thousands of our supporters commented against the administration's notice of intent to pursue Arctic Refuge drilling. And, we led the coalition in several successful and critical elevation points including efforts that yielded more than three quarters of a million comments opposing Arctic Refuge leasing.

Hundreds called members of Congress to support the Arctic Refuge.

In addition to personal meetings in Washington, D.C., we organized "district drop-by" activities in which supporters stopped by local offices and left messages of support for the Arctic Refuge with local representatives.

We garnered coverage of our issues with 29 op-eds and editorial pieces as well as events across the country.

We collectively out-organized the opposition at Arctic Refuge public hearings in Alaska and Washington, D.C. where we led on-the-ground efforts that turned out over 200 supporters for a rally and saw League members and donors from six different states speak out in support of the Refuge during hearing public comments.

2019 Update: Our focus for 2019 is to continue amplifying the calls for protection of Alaska’s public lands with a focus on our strategic plan as we work to engage and develop new and existing relationships with diverse partners. This was clear in our work during the first half of the year where we led the coalition in organizing two community hearings, in Albuquerque and Denver, during the administration’s public comment period on their plans to hold lease sales for the Arctic Refuge allowing hundreds to testify on the record in opposition. Continuing our efforts to elevate diverse voices and expand our partnerships, we hosted a successful fly-in in May , with partners Protect Our Winters and American Packrafting Association, to bring in athletes and adventurers from around the country to advocate for protection of the Arctic Refuge.



Alaska Wilderness League’s board of directors adopted a new three-year strategic plan in September, guided by feedback from you and so many others who took the time to help us assess the political and economic landscapes in the years ahead. The plan includes new vision and mission statements, 12 key strategic shifts for the organization, and metrics that we will use to hold ourselves to the high standards you set for us. Our plan details three focus areas for our work:



We work to restore bipartisan leadership for Alaska conservation. This means a stronger, more politically connected network of influential Alaska advocates, along with a better‑resourced and effective outreach, communications and legislative operation.


We build a strong network of local, state, regional and national organizations that care about Alaska. We serve as a bridge and connector between our Alaska-based partners and decision-makers in Washington, D.C.


We defend against attacks on our nation’s wild places while advancing new policies that better protect these national treasures for future generations.


In 2018, we were thrilled to welcome Paul Christianson, Development Coordinator, and Arielle Baker, Annual Giving Manager, to our development team in Washington, D.C. along with Emily Sullivan, Conservation Associate, who joined our Anchorage office late in the year. Two new board members – Kit DesLauriers and Pat Pourchot – also joined the League and bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to help guide and support the organization’s work and infrastructure.

Learn more about the talented and passionate staff working at working at Alaska Wilderness League visit this page and read about the dedicated and supportive volunteers on our board here.

Staff Retreat Photo





The Wild Stars Monthly Giving Program is a group of dedicated supporters who provide sustaining, monthly resources to protect wild Alaska. Thanks to their ongoing support, we are able to continue our fights to protect the most pristine places in Alaska every day of the year. To join this special group of wilderness advocates, please visit this page or call our development department at 202-544-5205.

Nancy Adamson
Todd Adelman
Ms. Sadikifu Akina-James
Andrea and Richard Amend
Barbara Anders
Eleanor V. Armitage
Douglas Arnall
Jim and Nancye Ballard
Whitney Barrows
Ms. Ann Bitner
Sally Bolger
Joseph Bowers
Mary E. Bowler
Teddi Bozych
Lillian Brilhart
Caroline Brown
Charles Burgess
Amy Bushnell
Dene Canon
Jacqueline Carr
Nedra Carroll
Helen and Arnold Cherullo
Wendy Clifton
Darren Cohen
Patricia Cole
Deirdre Cole
Susan Connor
M. Alice DeAngelis
Heather Dickinson
Marilyn Dinkelmeyer
Mr. Martin Dodge
Maureen Doheny
Leah Donahey
George Dorman
Mr. Jesse Feathers
Mr. Doug Forsell
Norma Fritsche
Franz Froelicher
Jane Gerber
Lisbeth P. Gilbert
Joan Giovanetti
Jennie Gosche
Michael Haeger
Catherine Hardymon
Daniel Hayes
Keith and Beth Heaton
Diane and Thomas Hert
David Hertzel
Tim Hogan and Eleni Arapkiles
Carol L. Horner
Ms. Cheryl Hovanick
William Huggins

Walt and Sherry Hunner
Sharon Huskin
Deborah Johnson
Phyllis F. Kadle
Carol Kasza and Jim Campbell
Sasha Kay
Lexi and Miles Keogh
Rebecca King
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Klem
Linda Kolko
Anne Kollender
Chris Konish
Mr. Jim Koppensteiner
Lee Kuhl
Joanne Kurtz Paris Smith
Diane Lapham
Bruce Larson
Elizabeth Leonard
David Lerner
Kate Levine
James R. Lindsay
Victoria Lynch-Knight
Phyllis and Michael Mains
Diana Manheim
Jim Mankopf
William J. Marshall
Gareth Martins
Nicholas Marton
Elaine Matthew
Drew A. McCalley
Brian McLane
Miriam McLeod
Diane and Robert Mehling
Carol Mellom
Judith E. Meltz
Kurt Menning
Diane Meyer Simon
Robbin Miller-Hawk
Roland Morgan
Leora Mosston
Carole Murphy
Michele Murphy
Michelle Napoli
Marycarol Nelson
Kurt Norrgard
Ciry Null
Brigid O’Connor
Rebecca O’Reilly
Anne Oakes
Oliver Osborn
Bonnie Osborne
Corina Pambuccian

Sue Pappalardo
Jill Pease
Greg L. Pennington
Terri Piotrowski
Robert Pitagora
Patti Polinsky
Marilyn Porcino
Alexandra Prentiss
Joyce Ramee
Dr. Robert Redfield
Robin Reed
Austin Rooks
Phyllis Ruth
Teresa Ryan
Shirley Schue
Clay D. Schulte
Don Schwarz and Bobbie Reed
Greg Scott
Sally Sheck
Laura Sherman
Susan Sheythe
Basia Sikora
Wendy Simmons
Jana Sinclair
Kimberly Slone
Ms. Margaret Smith
Mathew Sorum
Martin St. Aubin
Hilary Stamper
Joanie Steckel
Michael Stein
Diane Stone
Gwen Straub
Caroline Stricks
Mollyann Tabachnikov
Nathaniel Tarn
Rebecca Thiem
Sarah Tingey
Robin Tyner
Kyle Ullman
Rein and Jan van West
Joe and Yvette Vinson
Sally Vogel
Margretta Voinot-Baron and
Glen Baron
Sherry Weiland
Amy Weinstein
Ms. Sharol White
Catherine Whitney
Ken Whitten and Mary Zalar
Sheila Williams
Diane Winter
Owen Wozniak


The Wild Giving Society is a group of donors who lead the effort to preserve the Alaska wilderness. By making a donation of $500 or more, this group of incredible allies enables the League to be courageous and constant in our endeavor to protect Alaska’s wildest places. To join this group of our most dedicated partners, call our development department at 202-544-5205 or visit this page.
Note: Donors marked with an * are also monthly donors.


Anonymous (10)
444S Foundation
Alaska Conservation Foundation
Andrew Sabin Family Foundation
Thomas A. Barron
David Bock
Richard and Stephanie Brooks
Tom and Sonya Campion
The Campion Foundation
Cpt Bruce Clarke
Andrew Conru
The Conservation Alliance

Jacob and Margo Engelstein
Ellen Ferguson
Jonathan and Anne Fox
Justine Frischmann
Mark Headley and Christina Pehl
Hugh & Jane Ferguson Foundation
Kendeda Fund
Jeffrey Kenner
Carol and Chet Kolton
Betsy Loyless
Martin Fabert Foundation
The North Face

Overbrook Foundation
Mr. James F. Overstreet
Patagonia, Inc
Allen and Christine Rickert
Ron and Eva Sher
Judith Schwartz Sorrel
Richard S. Spener and Toni Armstrong
Tortuga Foundation
True North Foundation
Wilburforce Foundation

CHAMPIONS $5,000-$9,999

Steve and Nona Barker
Douglas and Sherry Caves
Maureen Hackett and Roman Oliynyk
Karyn J. Hartland
Susan and Jeffrey Lubetkin
Peter and Kathy Metcalf
Evan Mittman
Sandra Moss
Muchnic Foundation
The Partnership Project
Larry Rockefeller
Diana and Gordon Tracz
Wendy Tsien *
Dr. Gene and Mrs. Joanne Wilhelm

STEWARDS $2,500 - $4,999

Anonymous (2)
Cindy M. Adams and John Adams
Betty A. Lewis University Environmental Charitable Trust
Cameron Foundation
Marta Chase and Kicab Castaneda-Mendez
Kristen Grimm and David Dreher
Ms. Sally Harris
Loren and Isobel Hostek
Ira and Edgra Ringler Family Foundation
Erik Jansen
Darcy and Dan Johnson
Lynn Kilbourne
Ed Liebow and Erin Younger
Ms. Rachel Anderson and Ms. Sally G. McCoy
Monsanto Fund
Donald Peele
Carol and John Stansfield *
Judy and Jim Wagonfeld
Marlena Renwyck and Moe Witschard

DEFENDERS $1,000 - $2,499

Anonymous (5)
Louise Adler *
Alaska Wildland Adventures
Dwight Baker
Paul and Susan Ballinger *
Erika Boka
Peter P. Bradley *
Camp Denali & North Face Lodge
Susan N. Clark
Kit DesLauriers
Elaine & Sidney Blitz Family Foundation
Mark and Willow Follett
The Frank and Brinna Sands Foundation
Bruce Gitlin
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Stephen and Mary Gorman
Kay Henry and Rob Center
Melissa Hinwood
Matt Hyde and Lisa Beaudreau
Don Janes
Joseph Johnston

Bob and Judy Jung
Kulwant and Soram Khalsa
Ana C. Kimball
Adam Kolton and Laura Geer Kolton
Frank Kroger
Robert C. Kuehn and Julie Kuehn
Shirley Langlois
Hertha Lehmann
Anne Marie MacPherson Davis
Randall S. May
Jack McCarron
Debbie S. Miller *
Andrew and Leslie Nicholls *
Franklin Nutter
Osprey Packs, Inc.
Piper Jaffray
William Pope
Pat Pourchot
Martha Raynolds
Phyllis Reynolds
Andrew Richardson
Nancy Ritzenthaler and Albert Odmark

David Rockefeller
Kate Roosevelt and Caroline Maillard
Jim and Gillian Rose
Kate S. Sako and Kendall Flint
Brian Schrader
Mark Schuermann
Norman Selby
Greg Singleton
Catherine H. Smith and Peter Maxson
Helen Baker St. John
John Stamper
John Strasenburgh and Ruth Wood
Thomas Strotkamp
Jack Telfer
William B. Thompson
John A. Trotter
Bill and Donna Van Buren
Catherine Walker and David Fuqua W
Jacquinot and Bob Weisenbach
Suzanne H. Williams
Leonard Wittwer and Martha Blane
Yonder Star Christmas Shop

ADVOCATES $500-$999

Anonymous (3)
Kai Anderson
Valerie M. Anton
Dr. Gloria M. Bertucci
Steve Black
Betty Blumenkamp
Elaine Bontempi *
Beverly Boynton
Deborah Brower *
Sidney Cathey
Jane Clark
Community Shares of Colorado
Shirley W. Cooper
Marc and Maud Daudon
Linda S. Dauphin
The Douglass Foundation
Eighth Day Faith Community
Linda and Jerry Elkind
Thomas Ely
Becky Erickson
Michael Felber
The Ferguson Family Foundation
Richard and Marjorie Fiddler
Diana Frost and Dr. Andrew Frost
Amy and Chris Gulick
Rebecca Hanrahan
Peter and Sheri Harris
Mary Hoffman
Bob Hoffman
Steve and Christine Janney
Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation
Cory and Robert Jones *

Aaron and Angie Jungbluth
Stephen Kolodny *
Rudi Lambrechtse
Louise Lane
Lynn Larsen
Thea Levkovitz
Jia Li *
Mildred Lillis
Stephen Mace
Mimi McMillen
Kristi Meyers Gallup
Sue and John Mills
Jake Miss
Mountain Travel
Amy Mower
Jay W. Nelson
John and Hortensia Nelson
Linda Nicholes
Brian O’Donnell *
Hal Pashler
Christopher Perrault
Doug Peterson
Joan Poor
Portman-Shellhammer Family Trust
Ann Powlas
Carol Price
Jessica Reeves
Corinne Ribble and Rob Simpson
Becky Rom
Colleen E. Romer W
Barbara Rosen
Marcia Rutan

Andy Schlickman
Eleanor Schwartz
Lawrence and Diane Shackman
Sherman and Joan Silber
Cyrus Spurlino
John and Dorothy Stade
Michael Steffen
James and Linda Stinson
Beverly Strassmann
Jim Stratton
James and Patricia Swanson
William and Carol Sweasy
Glenda and Paul Torrence
Peter Van Tuyn and Ilona Bessenyey
Noemi Vazquez
Bors Vesterby
Mary Ellen and Jim Weber
Steve and Susan Weems
Alice Weigel
David Weinstein *
Dr. and Dr. Edward Witten
Ms. Sandra P. Yarrington *