Posts Tagged ‘Alaska Native’
Forfeit of offshore leases is good news for the Arctic Ocean
The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) recently announced that it would be relinquishing its 21 leases in the Beaufort Sea.
Read MoreVashraii K’oo: An Arctic Refuge Experience
Alaska Wilderness League and Soul River Inc. recently joined forces to bring a multimedia photo exhibit on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to life.
Read MoreLeague treks to Denver for Outdoor Retailer Show
Working in partnership with the outdoor recreation community is not just a core value for us at Alaska Wilderness League, it is one the most impactful and fun parts of what we do every day.
Read MoreSoutheast Alaska Stands Up For The Tongass
Alaska Wilderness League had a busy week recently in Washington, D.C., defending the Tongass National Forest from the Trump administration’s efforts to remove Roadless Rule protections.
Read MoreAttending The Arctic Indigenous Climate Summit
This summer, Gwichyaa Zhee/Fort Yukon hosted the first ever Arctic Indigenous Climate Summit.
Read MoreCommunities Come Together To Stand With The Gwich’in
On the evening of March 5, nearly two hundred people gathered in a ballroom on the campus of the University of New Mexico to lend their voice to the overwhelming call for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to reject plans to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and instead, restore protection for the…
Read MoreArctic Refuge Defenders Take The Fight To Capitol Hill
Today, Gwich’in leaders from across the United States and Canada are joined by faith leaders, scientists and veterans to stand together before Congress and speak on behalf of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and its coastal plain, and to support passage of The Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act.
Read MoreWelcome To Gwichyaa Zee
Last week, Alaska Wilderness League was proud to come out to support our partners and allies at a screening of “Welcome to Gwichyaa Zee,” a film produced by The Wilderness Society and Natives Outdoors.
Read MoreArctic Refuge Protectors: An Open Letter from Teachers and Scholars
Fossil fuel development in the Coastal Plain would devastate an Arctic nursery of global significance. It would violate human rights, jeopardize food security, and threaten the health and safety of Indigenous communities. It would contribute to the escalating crises of climate change and biological annihilation.
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