Protect Bristol Bay

For more than a decade, the threat of North America’s largest copper and gold mine has loomed over the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska.
The Pebble Mine project would directly impact the world’s largest and greatest sockeye salmon run, putting in jeopardy thousands of American jobs, a 10,000-year cultural tradition of subsistence, and a huge sport fishing and tourism economy.
Today we have another chance to ensure the Pebble mine doesn’t put this all at risk. As the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pushes forward with what is a hugely unpopular project in Alaska, we’re asking our members to support the Corps’ No Action Alternative that would prevent the mine from being built and officials there to reject any permits to allow the proposed Pebble Mine. Please click here to comment today.

All told, the proposed Pebble mine would threaten an existing long-term sustainable economy valued at more than $1.5 billion annually, opting instead for the short-term benefits of a hugely destructive mine.
The Army Corps of Engineers is reviewing Pebble’s permit application and has released a document, called the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, intended to outline the risks and benefits of the proposed Pebble mine, after an extremely rushed and non-transparent process.

So, it’s no surprise that the 1,400+ page document landed with a heavy thud in Alaska. The document shows Pebble’s proposal would permanently destroy more than 80 miles of streams, and 3500 of acres of wetlands. It makes clear Pebble’s current application is just the first step in what would become an industrial mining district in Bristol Bay, the economics don’t pan out any other way. That’s why most Alaskans still oppose the proposed Pebble mine.
It’s no time for complacency when it comes to Pebble mine. Please tell the agency reviewing Pebble’s most important permit to follow the science and stop the mine.
(Paul Nicoletti) (Fly Out Media) (Paul Nicoletti)